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KGOO Investment Profile

Investment can be classified into aggressive, moderate and conservative risk profiles based on two factors. The risk profile of an investor is dependent on his/her ability to take risk (risk capacity) and willingness to assume risk (risk aversion).

An investment profile is made up of key data relating to investments or financial assets. The investor’s risk tolerance, risk capacity, time frames for investments, revenues, liquidity requirements, tax questions, goals and expectations should all be included when creating an investment profile.

KGOO Corporation continue to show positive growth as projected and heading towards 2025 fiscal year. The company is engaging young and old family, drawing their attention to creativity and relaxation.

It’s investment portfolio is diverse and attractive to retail and commercial investors.

A portfolio investment is ownership of stocks, bonds, or other financial assets with the expectation that it will earn a return or grow in value over time, or both. It entails passive and ownership of assets which is similar to direct investment, which involve an active management role.